ATTENTION Schedule Change For The Stunt Dog Shows
ATTENTION Schedule Change!
Do to high wind we cannot hold the All-Star Stunt Dog Shows TODAY Thursday, June 16th at 4pm, 6pm, and 8pm. INSTEAD, THERE WILL ALSO BE A MEET AND GREET TONIGHT WITH THE DOGS AT 7PM AT 2ND AND CENTER ST.
We have also added 3 more shows on SUNDAY, June 19th at 4pm, 6pm and 8pm.
We are so excited to bring the All-Star Stunt Dogs to Winona! If you haven’t seen these talented dogs be sure to come down to Steamboat Days and catch a show.
Shows are at 4pm, 6pm and 8pm on Friday and Saturday, and SUNDAY located in the parking lot on 2nd Street next to Downtown Dental.